Our Mission
Experience the same technological advancements and achieve results comparable to professional treatments, all from the comfort of your home and at a price that remains accessible to everyone. Your beauty deserves the best, and it's our commitment to offer you this excellence, without compromise.
NOVALIGHT™ - Regenmask
Dite addio a punti neri ostinati, pori ostruiti, imperfezioni del viso e prevenite l'invecchiamento precoce della pelle...
Scoprite una routine di cura della pelle del viso completamente nuova con la nostra maschera facciale NovaLight® LED.
Meticolosamente studiata per risolvere una moltitudine di problemi della pelle, la nostra maschera dona un colorito luminoso e impeccabile che irradia bellezza e giovinezza!
We've Got Your Questions Covered...
Is there scientific evidence for LED light therapy ?
LED light therapy has been thoroughly tested, evaluated, and validated by hundreds of universities, medical labs, and most notably by NASA. In fact, over 2000 reports and documents have been written on this technology.
Is LED light therapy painful?
No, it does not cause any pain. It even provides a feeling of relaxation.
Can I use skincare products at the same time as my Novalight mask ?
Yes, you can. In fact, the results of your light therapy will be more dramatic if you use high-quality skincare products. Additionally, you can use your acne-fighting products to speed up the healing process for your skin.
How often should the device be used ?
The suggested usage time is 10 to 20 minutes. It is most appropriate to start with a 10-minute treatment, 4 times a week to begin, unless otherwise directed by a doctor. Once you have achieved your initial goals, it is more than likely you will only need to use the device twice a week. Since the LEDs provide a pure and powerful output, these few treatments will be sufficient.
Do I need eye protection ?
The design of this mask does not cover the eye area, so there is no need to wear eye protection during treatments. However, it is advisable to avoid looking directly at the LED and to close your eyes during the treatment.
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